
The posts that follow all deal with the highs and lows of Ministry and ministry related topics. They follow my PRIME Experience in Minford Ohio and will hopefully continue afterwards.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Wise Man built his house upon the ... Hey where'd the rock go?

By now you should all have the last word "rock" in your head. However, like the title, Where did the rock go?

Over the past few weeks I have had some interesting experiences dealing with rocks.

Last Thursday, I went with the pastor and his family out creeking (aka cricking if you are from around the area). The basics are you go to a local creek and go exploring, whether that include jumping in or just exploring the shoreline. Anyway we found a waterhole that was perfect for swimming, I was going barefoot and thought I had found a sturdy river rock in which to launch myself into the water hole. This rock was completely submerged under water with only a small amount above the surface. Well let's just say that looks can be convincing from above as when I step on it I fall and whack my head on the only part of the rock out of the water. 

Just one of the many reasons to ask where did the rock go?

In the Bible there are many references to rocks. One of them is Peter of whom Jesus said he would build his church. Another is in the parable of the wise and the foolish man. In both instances there needed to be something to make a firm foundation otherwise they would come crashing down when hard times came.

So who moved the rock?

I have to say on that day at the creek, no one moved that rock it is still there and will continue to be for years to come. What did move, however, was me.

There have been times when it feels like I am standing in sinking sand and am drowning in the amount of work I have to pull off to get done in a certain amount of time (VBS in a month for example). What is happening is not that the rock is moving, but my priorities are shifting from God to my work. That is where the real trouble comes.

If you take the leadership that Peter had away from the church you no longer have the church, period. Rome would have wiped out the Christians eventually and we would not be here today. But God helped Peter to become the great leader that he became and God did indeed build the church on Peter's leadership.

When I take my eyes off Jesus and what he is doing in my ministry setting I begin to slip or sink to take things back to Peter. However, the main goal is to have Jesus exulted and to remain unified at Grace Baptist Church. It is here that the Rock must stay, otherwise we will be asking "Where did the rock go?" and by that time it will be too late to save the crumbling walls.

Please be praying for me as I serve that I would not let the Rock leave my sight as I begin to plan for the summer.

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