
The posts that follow all deal with the highs and lows of Ministry and ministry related topics. They follow my PRIME Experience in Minford Ohio and will hopefully continue afterwards.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Temple of the Holy Spirit, to make you fit," well sort of...

Flashback moment to early college in the video below. 

This group consists of four artists from the US, Indonesia and Kenya, each of whom were contestants on their country's form of American Idol. They came to Huntington University and offered one of the most memorable worship experiences I had ever had. To see more of this group find Global Disciples on YouTube. 

Okay now that the shout out is done, I can focus more on the words starting with the chorus

I Walked and Walked Here, there,

For any one who knows my situation, knows that I don't have my driver's licence while on PRIME, and after being down here for a little over a month I have realized that the best mode of transportation is on foot when a motorized vehicle is not available. If I got a bike I am unsure of how long I would last on the roads with all the hills and the twists and turns. The pastor here keeps making a joke every time we pass the house that I was going to stay in originally. There is no doubt in my mind that there would not be a PRIME student here in Minford.

I Searched and Searched Here, There

While down here I keep searching to find the right balance between God time, me time and work time, since I live in the church itself. I am also trying to find the right balance between taking and giving responsibility. When I find it, it will not be too soon.

I turned around, here there

I am also finding that I am needing to just turn around and find God in areas where I I never thought he would be there. As you may have read in previous posts there are numerous creeks and other natural areas scattered throughout the area and I have been exploring little by little. Everywhere I look I am finding new mercies and awesomeness everywhere I go.

There's no one, there's no one quite like Him

How wonderful that we can say this about our God.

It is my prayer for you as you read this that the Holy Spirit would fill you and make you lift you hands high in worship, that he would fill you and make you fit in His image and purpose for your life.

God Bless


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